Anything better answered by talking to your professor/adviser, reading the paperwork/syllabus, or doing your own research on the internet.If you need to vent, we encourage you to visit r/CollegeRant. Anything that does not positively contribute to meaningful discussion, including but not limited to memes, reaction gifs, videos, posts that are primarily venting/despondence, posts with titles that are non-specific/alarmist/unprofessional/deceptive/all caps/etc.Any admissions related content - visit r/ApplyingToCollege or r/CollegeTransfer instead.Advocating for or engaging in dangerous/illegal activities – including but not limited to cheating, copyright violation, fraud, etc.Step 2: Name the preset for lecture recording. In the pop-up window, select the big plus button to create a new one. Click the More button and choose the Manage option to set up a lecture or class recording preset.
#Recording lectures in college install
Seeking personal gain – including but not limited to referrals, contests/giveaways, requests for votes/money, any attempt to sell or advertise a product/service/website, etc. Step 1: Download and install the screen recorder, launch the program on your computer.Posting spam - including but not limited to SURVEYS, blog posts, links to low quality/crowdsourced websites, discord, copypasta, etc. Lectures and Presentations by Guests: Units of the University that sponsor public lectures by invited outside speakers often record the lectures.Recording lectures can also be helpful if you have a disability that makes it difficult to take notes. This can be a useful study tool, especially if you are able to go back and listen to the lecture at a later date. Help the mods improve this subreddit/enforce these rules by reporting posts that are irrelevant, pointless, or of poor quality. Some students find it helpful to record lectures in college. To maintain the quality of the discourse, we remove some types of content and ban users for certain violations of community norms. Additionally, ITCornell has purchased equipment for the local college IT teams to set up on-campus studio spaces for faculty to use to create course materials. r/college is a place for discussion related to college and collegiate life. Please see our rules before posting here.